I need to use Fable-React stateful component with elmish dispatch. I can not figure out how to create it.
I am using this project template: https://github.com/fable-elmish/templates
here is model:
module Home.Types
type Model = {
isLoading: bool
here is the component:
type Documentation(props) as this =
inherit Component<Documentation.Types.Model,obj>(props)
override this.componentWillMount () =
printfn "componentWillMount"
**RequestProcessDocumentation |> dispatch <-- this is what I need**
override this.render() =
printfn "render"
let (?) = Fable.Core.JsInterop.(?)
div []
p [] [str(this.props.isLoading.ToString())]
button [ OnClick (fun _ -> RequestProcessDocumentation |> dispatch ) ] [str("Click me")]
how can I create it using ofType function, so then I can use it like this:
let pageHtml =
| Home -> Home.View.root model.home (HomeMsg >> dispatch)
| Documentation -> documentation (DocumentationMsg >>
I added the dispatch function to props:
type Model = {
isLoading: bool
processDocumentation: ProcessDocumentationDto
valuesForFilterDropdown: DropdownFilterValues
scopeOfFilter: ScopeOfFilter
expandedMenuItemsIds: string list
type DocumentationProps = {
model: Model
dispatch: Msg -> unit
create the view:
let root model dispatch =
let inline documentation props = ofType<Documentation,_,_> props []
let pageHtml =
| Home -> Home.View.root model.home (HomeMsg >> dispatch)
| Documentation -> documentation { model.documentation with dispatch = (DocumentationMsg >> dispatch)}
and then I call it this way:
RequestProcessDocumentation |> this.props.dispatch