I'm making a ListBox in urwid where each item is a URL pulled from a list of URLs. When an item is selected and ENTER is clicked, I'd like to pull the URL and open it in the browser. Here's my code so far:
class SelectableText(urwid.Text):
def selectable(self):
return True
def keypress(self, size, key):
return key
def handle_input(input):
if input == "": # Open link
focus_widget, idx = content_container.get_focus()
# TODO: Open link from focus_widget
elif input in ('q', 'Q'): # Quit
raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
palette = [
('menu', 'black', 'dark cyan', 'standout'),
('reveal focus', 'black', 'dark cyan', 'standout')]
menu = urwid.Text([
('menu', u' ENTER '), ('light gray', u" Open link "),
('menu', u' Q '), ('light gray', u" Quit"),
list_of_urls = ["http://thisisalink.com/", ...]
items = list(map(lambda url: urwid.AttrMap(SelectableText(url), None, "reveal focus"), list_of_urls))
content = urwid.SimpleListWalker(items)
content_container = urwid.ListBox(content)
layout = urwid.Frame(body=content_container, footer=menu)
main_loop = urwid.MainLoop(layout, palette, unhandled_input=handle_input)
The issue is in handle_input(input)
. How do I pull the actual URL from the results of content_container.get_focus()
In focus_widget
you have the AttrMap object wrapping the text widget.
You can get the text content from a urwid.Text
widget with the .text
property, and you can get the widget wrapped by an urwid.AttrMap
with the .base_widget
Note also that you need to check if input is equal to enter
, to check for the Enter key
def handle_input(input):
if input == "enter": # Open link
focus_widget, idx = content_container.get_focus()
url = focus_widget.base_widget.text
import webbrowser
elif input in ('q', 'Q'): # Quit
raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()