I have a function to convert NSString to NSDate.
+ (NSDate *)getNSDateFromString:(NSString *)strDate andFormat:(NSString *)format{
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat : format];
NSString *stringTime = strDate;
NSDate *dateTime = [formatter dateFromString:stringTime];
return dateTime;
The value of strDate is "27-Mar-2018 18:28:09". The format is "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
That function is returning nil value. Can anyone help on this please. Thanks.
Change date format to dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Here are nice references to understand date format string: Quick Guide to Objective-C DateFormatting & Date_Field_Symbol_Table
y = year
Q = quarter
M = month
w = week of year
W = week of month
d = day of the month
D = day of year
E = day of week
a = period (AM or PM)
h = hour (1-12)
H = hour (0-23)
m = minute
s = second
If you match this with your date components
27-Mar-2018 18:28:09 = dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
27 = dd (date day)
Mar = MMM (Month)
2018 = yyyy (year)
18 = HH (HH - 24 hours format and hh - 12 hours format)
28 = mm (minutes)
09 = ss (seconds)