I'm new to Cucumber and totally lost as to why this integration test is failing. I have the following scenarios:
Scenario: User changes profile
Given I have an account
When I change my profile
Then my profile should be saved
Scenario: User changes login
Given I have an account
When I change my login information
Then my account should be changed
And these step definitions:
Given /^I have an account$/ do
@user = Factory.create(:user)
visit login_path
fill_in "Email", :with => @user.email
fill_in "Password", :with => 'secret'
click_button "Sign in"
When /^I change my profile$/ do
visit edit_user_profile_path(@user)
fill_in "First name", :with => "John"
fill_in "Last name", :with => "Doe"
click_button "Update Profile"
Then /^my profile should be saved$/ do
@user.profile.first_name.should == "John"
@user.profile.last_name.should == "Doe"
When /^I change my login information$/ do
visit edit_user_path(@user)
fill_in "Email", :with => "foo@example.com"
click_button "Update Login Information"
Then /^my account should be changed$/ do
@user.email.should == "foo@example.com"
And I fail the "Then" condition on both scenarios with this message:
# Scenario 1
expected: "John"
got: "Test1" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
# Scenario 1
expected: "foo@example.com"
got: "test2@example.com" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
So, in both cases the factory information is still present after submitting the form to update the user login or profile. However, if I test this in a real browser it works perfectly. So, why is this test failing???
Thanks for the help!
@user is just a variable which lives inside your cucumber code block. It will not be changed. What will be changed in the test is the database record. To check that it was changed indeed you have to visit some page where user name is displayed.
(Just as you do in your real life test)