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Anypoint Studio - Flow design - How to mark TODOs?

During the design process/implementation of flows sometimes I know that there is something that is missing. In order to make sure that I won't forget about this I am adding "TODO: the task to do" loggers.

I use these similar to do "TODO" or "FIXME" comments in java.

Is there a better way to add "TODOs" to the flows in Anypoint Studio? How to keep track of missing parts or potential improvements of our flows?


  • You can add TODO comments in the flow XMLs:

    <!-- TODO remember the milk -->
    <db:template-query name="Update-Employee" doc:name="Template Query">

    These will be shown in the tasks view in Anypoint Studio, if you configure it properly:

    1. In preferences->General->Editor->Task Tags, ticked the "enable searching for task tags"
    2. Then to view your todo markers in Task view, if not shown goto Window->show view->Tasks