This is not a huge problem for me, but kinda embarrassing. Years ago I used two different GitHub accounts. One my very own (1)
, another for some technical purposes (2)
(to work by invitation, probably; don't ask for details, I cant remember). They got different nicknames and passwords, one can log in properly and separately.
I work exclusively under (1)
, but all my commits are labeled as if I used (2)
. Probably, (2)
has nothing to do with it; I deleted it, but it still lives posthumously in my new commits. It does not matter much for me, since I work alone; still, it does not look nice.
How am I supposed to get rid of it?
Github link commits to authors by looking at author/committer emails in the commit. Verify your global (per-user) and local (per-repository) settings
git config [--global]
git config [--global]
In your github account verify that you listed all necessary emails.