If I have a folder:
is there a way to use TypeScript so that all the files in the jobs folder export the same interface?
I'd like for a.ts, b.ts, c.ts to all export the same interface.
Not really sure what you're looking for, but you can do this:
In jobs
export interface MyInterface {
color: string;
export interface MyInterface {
name: string;
export interface MyInterface {
age: number;
Then, is some other file, you can have this:
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/a';
export class SomeClass implements MyInterface {
color: string;
In a different file, you can have this:
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/b';
export class SomeClass implements MyInterface {
name: string;
And in yet another different file, you can have this:
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/c';
export class SomeClass implements MyInterface {
age: number;
Unless there is a very good, bulletproof reason for this, I don't think this is a good idea at all. It can get really easy to get confused and import/modify the wrong thing and cause yourself unnecessary headaches.
Technically, all three of the interface exports from a, b, & c could have the same parameters (like they all have name: string
)... it's basically the same thing... maybe you're hedging against changes later? You can extend interfaces for that FYI.
Can you further explain what you're trying to accomplish?
You can't have this all in the same file:
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/a';
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/b';
import { MyInterface } from './jobs/c';
export class SomeClass implements MyInterface {
age: number;
export class SomeOtherClass implements MyInterface {
color: string;
export class SomeOtherOtherClass implements MyInterface {
name: string;