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Problems with Kentico and Wildcard URLs after upgrade to 11


This question may be too specific for Stack Overflow. I have also posted it on the Kentico forums:


After upgrading to Kentico 11, the wildcard setup I have no longer seems to be working properly. After a lot of digging and research, I think the problem is somewhere in the mechanism that Kentico uses to map the wildcard values to URL parameters... but I don't know how to look into that process to try and figure out where it's going wrong and/or how to fix it.


I have a page set up with the following "Standard URL or wildcard" value set: /Invest/Communities/{ProvinceName}/{EconomicRegionName}/{RegionalDistrictName}/{CommunityName} This page also has a single alias of /Invest/Communities/Province but I'm not sure that's doing anything for me. The page itself contains a single custom control, which has a User control virtual path of ~/<project>/WebControls/Communities/Community.ascx

Prior to the upgrade, this URL: /Invest/communities/myProvince/myEconomic/myRegional/myCommunity/ worked fine - if I set a breakpoint at the start of the Community.ascx.cs Page_Load {} method, the breakpoint would get hit, and I could pull those four values out of the query string (via e.g. HttpContext.Current.Request["ProvinceName"]).

After the upgrade, the same URL is not hitting the breakpoint, and is instead directing me to a 404 error. However, if I manually re-write the URL to /invest/communities/profile/?ProvinceName=myProvince&EconomicRegionName=myEconomic&RegionalDistrictName=myRegional&CommunityName=myCommunity the page works as expected. Breakpoint hit, values can be pulled from Request object.

It seems as though something has gone wrong with whatever mechanism does the value mapping... but as that's stuff built into Kentico, I'm not clear on how to look deeper into it to see where it's failing.

Other things I have tried:

  • Re-signing all macros. This fixed a different problem I had after the upgrade, but did not help with this issue.
  • On the Pages > URLs tab: changing from Standard URL or wildcard to Route Found this advice in a forum post somewhere; doing this made it so that I would hit the breakpoint in the control again properly, however none of the wildcard values were available in the Request object any more. Not good.
  • 'Saving' on the page tab, the URLs tab, and other places in case somehow there was something corrupted that re-saving would somehow reset. Total shot in the dark, but in very rare cases this has worked before. No help here.


  • It turns out that this was actually a bug in Kentico 11.0.0. I ended up contacting Kentico support, and they hotfixed it.

    The bug is resolved by the Kentico 11.0.7 hotfix.