Search code examples

Crawlera: 407 "Bad Auth" error message

Using Crawlera's sample code for a GET request with a proxy.

import requests

url = ""
proxy_host = ""
proxy_port = "8010"
proxy_auth = "<APIKEY>:" # Make sure to include ':' at the end
proxies = {
      "https": "https://{}@{}:{}/".format(proxy_auth, proxy_host, proxy_port),
      "http": "http://{}@{}:{}/".format(proxy_auth, proxy_host, proxy_port)

r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, verify=False)

I get a 407 Bad Proxy Auth error. I've tripled check that the API_KEY is correct.

Response headers:

   'Proxy-Connection': 'close',
   'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Crawlera"',
   'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
   'Connection': 'close',
   'Date': 'Mon, 26 Mar 2018 11:18:05 GMT',
   'X-Crawlera-Error': 'bad_proxy_auth',
   'X-Crawlera-Version': '1.32.0-07c786'

Requests is already updated.

$ pip freeze |grep requests


  • I managed to get it working by adding a Proxy-Authorization header.

    proxy_auth  = "<APIKEY>:"
    headers = {
       # other headers ...
       "Proxy-Authorization": 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(proxy_auth)
    proxies = {
          "https": "https://{}:{}/".format(proxy_host, proxy_port),
          "http": "http://{}:{}/".format(proxy_host, proxy_port)
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, verify=False)