By "c++ function object" (functor) I mean: "an object for which the function call operator is defined."
I guess there are several ways to do this. Just for instance, let's say we need a parameterized function:
f(x) = sin(x*freq) // maths
We could use "a function constructor":
(defn newSinus [freq]
(fn [x] (Math/sin (* freq x)))
(def sin1 (newSinus 2.0) )
(def sin2 (newSinus 1.5) )
(println (sin1 1.5))
(println (sin2 2.0))
But, what if we want to read the parameter in sin1
or sin2
How many ways we can do it?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but you can define a record that's callable as a function by satisfying the clojure.lang.IFn
(defrecord Adder [x]
(invoke [_ y]
(+ x y)))
((->Adder 3) 4) ; => 7