I'm hanlding more than 10 forms in my project with many input fields. The problem is my fields taking empty spaces as values. As for now what I did is getting the value of the field on change and trim it and check the length with 0. If yes throw 'don't use empty spaces' , else take the value.
<input (change)='check($event)'>
if(data.trim() === 0 ){
console.log('contains empty spaces'
console.log('contains data')
But as the field or form increases this will be a headache. So I'm trying to make this as common module. So that I'll use this as common like service.
note: the validation should happen on pretext (i.e) ' HelloWorld' should throw error but 'Hello World' should not. Can anyone give me some idea or suggestion to solve this issue..
Thanks in advance
export const trimValidator: ValidatorFn = (control: FormControl) => {
if (control.value.startsWith(' ')) {
return {
'trimError': { value: 'control has leading whitespace' }
if (control.value.endsWith(' ')) {
return {
'trimError': { value: 'control has trailing whitespace' }
return null;
In any component that wants to use the trim.validator.ts
import { trimValidator } from 'path/to/trim.validator'.ts
ctrl: FormControl;
ngOnInit() {
this.ctrl = new FormControl('', trimValidator);
If you are using template driven forms, you need to create a validation directive. Just follow the steps from the official documentation