I want a function need to be called using interface-implementation model. I have read that roku has provision to have a function inside the interface portion in brightscript's document. So I tried but failed. Could anyone help me?
This is how you would implement a function inside an interface:
For example, create a custom screen named "audioPlayer" and in the audioPlayer.xml file add:
<function name="doSomething" />
In the audioPlayer.brs file declare "doSomething" function:
Function doSomething(param as String)
print param
End Function
Now in your HomeScene.xml add this custom created "audioPlayer" screen/component and in HomeScene.brs init() function add:
m.audioPlayer = m.top.findNode("audioPlayer")
You can call your doSomething() function from HomeSceene.brs with this peace of code:
param = "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"