is it possible to include/register a custom function ('ADD_5') into handsontable?
The following example is working and all cell-values from B2 to B4 are equal to 42. Only B5 = ADD_5(37) returns #NAME? instead of 42.
Where Do I have to define the function and add it to the existing parser of the table?
<div id="example1" class="handsontable"></div>
<script data-jsfiddle="example1">
$(document).ready(function () {
var data1 = [
['Number', 'Answer'],
[10, 42],
[10, '=SUM(A2:A5)'],
[10, '=A2 + A3 + A4 + A5'],
[12, '=ADD_5(37)']
var container1 = $('#example1');
data: data1,
minSpareRows: 1,
colHeaders: true,
rowHeaders: true,
contextMenu: true,
manualColumnResize: true,
formulas: true
parser.setFunction('ADD_5', function(params) {
return params[0] + 5;
Any help would be appreciated.
The Formulas plugin allows Handsontable to process formula expressions defined in the provided data. This plugin uses a formula-parser library which takes most of functions from formula.js.
You would need to add your formula to formula.js then