I'm building a django-based application that receives some information from client-computers (e.g. memory) and saves it into the database.
For that I created the following model:
class Machine(models.Model):
uuid = models.UUIDField('UUID', primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
name = models.CharField('Name', max_length=256)
memory = models.OneToOneField('Memory', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
def save_data(self, data):
if not self.memory:
memory = Memory()
self.memory = memory
self.memory.total = data['memory_total']
self.memory.used = data['memory_used']
self.memory.cached = data['memory_total']
Now for the Memory, I have the following model:
class Memory(models.Model):
total = models.IntegerField(default=0)
used = models.IntegerField(default=0)
cached = models.IntegerField(default=0)
To save data to the machine-model when I receive it from the client, I call the save_data()-method. There I test if there is already a self.memory object, and if not I create it first before adding the data.
Now, even tho it's working as intended I was wondering if there was a better, more clean way to achieve this. Would it be possible to initialize all my OneToOne-Fields to an empty instance of the referenced type so I needn't do the if not every time?
Fields accept a default
keyword argument. This can be a callable that returns a value. You can make a callable that returns the appropriate value; in this case, the primary key of a newly created Memory
def default_memory():
mem = Memory()
return mem.pk
class Machine(models.Model):
memory = models.OneToOneField('Memory', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, default=default_memory)