I'm new to S4 OO system in R. I'm thinking to use class attributes as default input into generic methods, but I got an error message saying that argument "xxx" is missing, with no default
Basically I have a list of functions (i.e. class methods) which operate at the same set of class attributes. I wish to use these class attributes as the default input values to the list of functions, but the way I implemented (I used definition = function(theObject, input = theObject@attribute1)
, see example code below) throws error... Why it's not working?
Many thanks in advance!
class1 = setClass("class1",
slots = c(attribute1 = "numeric"),
prototype = list(
attribute1 = NULL
setGeneric(name = "method1",
def = function(theObject, input){
setMethod(f = "method1",
signature = "class1",
definition = function(theObject, input = theObject@attribute1){
theObject@attribute1 = input + 1
return (theObject)
x = class1() # instantiate an object from class1
x@attribute1 = 1 # set attribute value
method1(x, input = 2) # This works fine if I use "input = 2" explicitly
# This throws the following error "Error in method1(x) : argument "input" is missing, with no default"
# Even though in setMethod part I did specify the default value of input
Not sure why this is the case, but in order to set a default for an input with setMethod
, the generic requires a default as well. e.g.:
class1 = setClass("class1",
slots = c(attribute1 = "numeric"),
prototype = list(
attribute1 = NULL
setGeneric(name = "method1",
def = function(theObject, input=NA){ #Setting any input here enables defaults for methods
setMethod(f = "method1",
signature = "class1",
definition = function(theObject, input=1){
theObject@attribute1 = input + 1
return (theObject)
x = class1()
x@attribute1 = 1
method1(x, input = 2)