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How to change / override the default color for disabled fields in Vuetify js?

By default vuetify applies light grey shade for disabled textfields/items. How i can override this color to the color i want?

currently i am using disabled selector :disabled { color: #000000 !important; } which only helps with changing the color of textfields text color, i also have Dropdown and checkboxes in my form. is there any solution for this?


  • You could target

    checkbox with .input-group--disabled.checkbox .input-group__input

    and dropdown with .input-group--disabled.input-group--select label

    .input-group--disabled.checkbox .input-group__input {
        color: #000 !important;
    .input-group--disabled.input-group--select label {
        color: #000 !important;

    Afaics most classes have --disabled suffix, so perhaps this could work for you (but I didn't test):

    [class*="--disabled "] * {
        color: #000 !important; 