I'm trying to compile my application in Go and I'm getting the following errors:
C:\Users\Root\go\src\github.com\ussssseeeeeeerrr\test> go build
# github.com/facebookgo/grace/gracehttp
..\..\facebookgo\grace\gracehttp\http.go:104:53: undefined: syscall.SIGUSR2
..\..\facebookgo\grace\gracehttp\http.go:114:8: undefined: syscall.SIGUSR2
..\..\facebookgo\grace\gracehttp\http.go:154:13: undefined: syscall.Kill
# github.com/ussssseeeeeeerrr/test/models
C:\Go\src\github.com\ussssseeeeeeerrr\test\models\setup.go:24:2: undefined: runner.MustPing
I'm unsure What I'm doing wrong.
http.go {line 104}:
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGUSR2)
http.go {line 114}:
case syscall.SIGUSR2:
http.go {line 154}:
if err := syscall.Kill(ppid, syscall.SIGTERM); err != nil {
Import() section:
setup.go {line 24}:
Import() section:
runner "gopkg.in/mgutz/dat.v1/sqlx-runner"
Solution to the first problem:
Gracehttp simply does not support windows. switching to my other OS fixed the compiling problem.
Solution to the second problem:
sqlx runner is outdated. switched to a more updated alternative.