I have a company class, it has an headquarter's address field. The address is an interface, it has an another object, country, which is an another interface. In my database I store all the countries. I have a view for editing a selected company, there I can set or change the headquarter's address and I created a mat-select for the countries:
<mat-select [(ngModel)]="company.headquarter.country">
<mat-option *ngFor="let country of companyService.countries" [value]="country">
This code save the selected country to the headquarter's country field, but if I want to edit the same company the mat-select doesn't display the actual value. how can I solve this problem?
If I change the ngModel to company.headquarter.country.id and the [value] to country.id, then it works fine, but to store the country's code or name I have to write a method, which will find the country by the id in the companyService.countries array and set this country to the company.headquarter.country's field. So it is not a good solution.
This code save the selected country to the headquarter's country field, but if I want to edit the same company the mat-select doesn't display the actual value. how can I solve this problem?
The problem is when you mat-select compares two object, their references can be different. Use compare function
to compare your object by some mark like id
To customize the default option comparison algorithm, supports
takes a function which has two arguments: option1 and option2. IfcompareWith
is given, Angular selects option by the return value of the function.
<mat-select [(value)]="contract.company"
<mat-option *ngFor="let cust of customers"
[value]="cust"> {{cust.title}}
compareById(f1: Common.Item, f2: Common.Item): boolean {
return f1 && f2 && f1.id === f2.id;