I have a 2d array containing rows where a user might be represented more than once. I need to remove duplicate instances of user data, but I don't want to lose any meaningful data in the process. Rows with a non-empty value in the Flying Tour
column should be prioritized over a row with an empty value in the same column.
Sample data:
$data = [
'Access ID' => 12345,
'Registration Date' => '2018-02-27',
'First Name' => 'Damian',
'Last Name' => 'Martin',
'Flying Tour' => ''
'Access ID' => 12345,
'Registration Date' => '2018-02-27',
'First Name' => 'Damian',
'Last Name' => 'Martin',
'Flying Tour' => 'Yes going'
'Access ID' => 789456,
'Registration Date' => '2018-03-27',
'First Name' => 'Ricky',
'Last Name' => 'Smith',
'Flying Tour' => ''
'Access ID' => 789456,
'Registration Date' => '2018-03-27',
'First Name' => 'Ricky',
'Last Name' => 'Smith',
'Flying Tour' => 'Two way going',
'Access ID' => 987654,
'Registration Date' => '2018-04-27',
'First Name' => 'Darron',
'Last Name' => 'Butt',
'Flying Tour' => ''
My code:
$results = [];
foreach($data as $input){
$isDuplicate = false;
foreach($results as $result){
strtolower($input['First Name'])===strtolower($result['First Name']) &&
strtolower($input['Last Name'])===strtolower($result['Last Name']) &&
strtolower($input['Registration ID'])===strtolower($result['Registration ID']) &&
strtolower(!empty($input['Flying Tour']))
//a duplicate was found in results
$isDuplicate = true;
//if no duplicate was found
if(!$isDuplicate) $results[]=$input;
Desired result:
[0] => Array
[Access ID] => 12345
[Registration Date] => 2018-02-27
[First Name] => Damian
[Last Name] => Martin
[Flying Tour] => Yes going
[1] => Array
[Access ID] => 789456
[Registration Date] => 2018-03-27
[First Name] => Ricky
[Last Name] => Smith
[Flying Tour] => Two way going
[2] => Array
[Access ID] => 987654
[Registration Date] => 2018-04-27
[First Name] => Darron
[Last Name] => Butt
[Flying Tour] =>
Some changes are made please see
Use foreach()
along with array keys to check for duplicates:
$results = [];
foreach ($data as $input) {
if (!isset($results[$input['Access ID'] . '_' . $input['First Name'] . '_' . $input['Last Name']])) {
$results[$input['Access ID'] . '_' . $input['First Name'] . '_' . $input['Last Name']] = $input;
} else {
if ($results[$input['Access ID'] . '_' . $input['First Name'] . '_' . $input['Last Name']]['Flying Tour'] == '') {
$results[$input['Access ID'] . '_' . $input['First Name'] . '_' . $input['Last Name']] = $input;
$results = array_values($results);
//array_multisort( array_column($results, "First Name"), SORT_ASC, $results );
echo "<pre/>";
Sample Output: https://3v4l.org/2KcSN