In the code below I'm using cats' EitherT
class. It compiles, but I was forced to use the Error
trait in:
def isNeg(i:Int): Future[Either[Error,Int]] = Future {
where my intent was to declare the function as:
def isNeg(i:Int): Future[Either[IsPositive,Int]] = Future {
but if I use IsPositive
(the class returned in the function's Left
) Scala throws a compilation error. Why doesn't it compile with IsPositive
import cats.implicits._
trait Error
case class IsNegative() extends Error
case class IsPositive() extends Error
object HelloScala extends App {
def isPos(i:Int): Future[Either[IsNegative,Int]] = Future {
if (i>0)
def isNeg(i:Int): Future[Either[Error,Int]] = Future {
if (i<0)
def myFunction (i: Int) = {
val result = for {
ret <- EitherT(isPos(i)) // <-- compilation error, if IsPositive is used in isNeg
ret2 <- EitherT(isNeg(ret))
} yield ret2
How does yield
works? It is translated to flatMap
(see here). So, let's try to rewrite your case with flatMap
and with explicit types for non-compilable version:
val eithert1: EitherT[Future, IsNegative, Int] = EitherT(isPos(i))
def eithert2(ret: Int): EitherT[Future, IsPositive, Int] = EitherT(isNeg(ret))
eithert1.flatMap(ret => eithert2(ret)).map(ret2 => ret2)
And now what types you have:
// What is expected (see `EitherT` type bounds in sources, I copied here)
// flatMap -> EitherT[F[_], A, B].flatMap[AA >: A, D](f: B => EitherT[F, AA, D])
// what you have:
// EitherT[Future, IsNegative, Int].flatMap[IsPositive >: IsNegative, Int](f: Int => EitherT[Future, IsPositive, Int])
You see: IsPositive >: IsNegative
, which is wrong. Expected super-type for IsNegative
(either Error
or IsNegative