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Popup after page loads opens only once per 24 hours

I have a working popup that opens after page is loaded.

I want it to be displayed once per 24 hours OR every time the user opens the browser OR any other way so it's not displayed after each page refresh etc.

I know it can be done using cookies, browser cache memory or php function. Could you provide any code to do it in the easiest possible way? Should I use database, cookies or some other way to store this data?

function PopUp(e){
  if(e == 'hide'){

window.onload = function(){
<div id="outside" style="display:none">
  <div id="inside">
    <h2 onClick="PopUp('hide')">CONTENT</h2>


  • As mentioned in a comment, you can use a cookie with an expiry date to perform this action. Basically, just show the popup if a specific cookie doesn't exist, while setting the cookie with a 24-hour expiry time.

    if (document.cookie.indexOf("popupShown=true") == -1) {
        document.cookie = "popupShown=true; max-age=86400"; // 86400: seconds in a day
        // make the popup show here

    After 24 hours, the cookie will expire, and on next webpage load the popup will be shown again.