0x0000987C As col1,
substr(BinaryData,1,4) As col2,
CAST(0x0000987C AS SIGNED) As col3,
CAST(substr(BinaryData,1,4) AS SIGNED) As col4
SELECT 0x0000987C00000000 AS BinaryData
) d
col1 col2 col3 col4
---- ---- ----- ----
BLOB BLOB 39036 0
When I look at the BLOB viewer for col1
and col2
they both appear identical (screenshot below).
So why the different results for col3 and col4?
I think it has to do with data types. BinaryData has an integer data type, but substr(BinaryData,1,4) expects a string. CAST then gets confused with the result. Also, CAST parses strings using base 10, so you need to a little bit of extra work. Try this:
CAST(CONV(substr(HEX(BinaryData),1,8), 16, 10) AS SIGNED) As col4
It's a monster, but it should give you what you want.