We have a Rails search route which can accept nested objects that should map to ElasticSearch operators.
For example:
name: "John",
age: {
{gte: 20}
The problem is that the SearchKick library throws an error when the Rails route params look like the following:
{"name"=>["Sam Terrick", "John Terrick"], "age"=>{"gte"=>"20"}}
The Searchkick library maps through these filters and does a case comparison for :gte
, but the hash rocket keys do not match. ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess doesn't get the job done.
Is there an elegant way to handle this transformation of nested objects from the route params without having to check if each param is a Hash?
For that you could make use of the Rails Hash.html#method-i-deep_transform_keys
params = {"name"=>["Sam Terrick", "John Terrick"], "age"=>{"gte"=>"20"}}
p params.deep_transform_keys(&:to_sym)
# {:name=>["Sam Terrick", "John Terrick"], :age=>{:gte=>"20"}}
But Rails also implements other handy method, more accurate in this case, Hash.html#deep_symbolize_keys
p params.deep_symbolize_keys
# # {:name=>["Sam Terrick", "John Terrick"], :age=>{:gte=>"20"}}
Same result.