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How to get the direct link from url that have a session ID by vbscript?

I'm trying to get the direct link from url, so i use this function to provide me the header location and for this example it works fine :

Option Explicit
Const Title = "Get Header Location"
Const WHR_EnableRedirects = 6
Dim URL,Result 
URL = ""
Result = InputBox("Copy and Paste your link here to get the response header",Title,URL)
MsgBox GetHeaderLocation(Result),vbInformation,Title
Function GetHeaderLocation(URL)
On Error Resume Next
Dim h,GetLocation
Set h = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    h.Option(WHR_EnableRedirects) = False 'disable redirects
    h.Open "HEAD", URL , False
GetLocation = h.GetResponseHeader("Location") 'an error occurs if not exist
If Err = 0 Then
    GetHeaderLocation = GetLocation
    GetHeaderLocation = Err.Description
End If  
End Function

but when i try with this url

it give me this message :

The requested header was not found

So my question is How to get the direct link from this url ?

What i mean by direct url is how to get with .exe in the end.

I know if i paste into browser it works and let me download as adwcleaner_7.0.8.0.exe but how can manage that with vbscript if i want to download it by the script itself.

So i need a direct link !

For example in my first URL = ""

I got as header location like that in direct link : DirectLink =


  • I got an answer here thanks to the member Jay that put me in the right direction ! Download_File_From_Dynamic_Link.vbs

    Option Explicit
    Dim Title,Base_Link,Dynamic_Link,Save2File
    Title = "Download a file with a dynamic link by Hackoo 2018"
    Base_Link = ""
    Dynamic_Link = Extract_Dynamic_Link(GetDataFromURL(base_link,"Get", ""))
    MsgBox "The Dynamic Link is = "& Dynamic_Link & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_
    "Response of The Dynamic Link is : "& vbcrlf & GetHeaderLocation(Dynamic_Link) & vbCrlf & vbCrlf &_
    "Extracted FileName is = " & GetFileName(GetHeaderLocation(Dynamic_Link)),vbInformation,Title
    Save2File = GetFileName(GetHeaderLocation(Dynamic_Link))
    Call Download(Dynamic_Link,Save2File)
    MsgBox "The download of the file : "& Save2File & vbCrlf &_
    "is Completed !",vbInformation,Title
    Function GetHeaderLocation(URL)
    Const WHR_EnableRedirects = 6
    Dim h,GetLocation
    On Error Resume Next
    Set h = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        h.Option(WHR_EnableRedirects) = False 'disable redirects
        h.Open "HEAD", URL , False
    GetLocation = h.GetResponseHeader("Content-Disposition") 'an error occurs if not exist
    If Err = 0 Then
        GetHeaderLocation = GetLocation
        GetHeaderLocation = Err.Description
    End If  
    End Function
    Function Extract_Dynamic_Link(Data)
        Dim regEx, Match, Matches,Dynamic_Link
        Set regEx = New RegExp
        regEx.Pattern = Base_Link & "\?s=[^""]*"
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Global = True
        Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Data)
        For Each Match in Matches
            Dynamic_Link = Match.Value
        Extract_Dynamic_Link = Dynamic_Link
    End Function
    Function GetDataFromURL(strURL, strMethod, strPostData)
      Dim lngTimeout
      Dim strUserAgentString
      Dim intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
      Dim blnEnableRedirects
      Dim blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects
      Dim strHostOverride
      Dim strLogin
      Dim strPassword
      Dim strResponseText
      Dim objWinHttp
      lngTimeout = 59000
      strUserAgentString = "http_requester/0.1"
      intSslErrorIgnoreFlags = 13056 ' 13056: ignore all err, 0: accept no err
      blnEnableRedirects = True
      blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects = True
      strHostOverride = ""
      strLogin = ""
      strPassword = ""
      Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
      objWinHttp.SetTimeouts lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout
      objWinHttp.Open strMethod, strURL
      If strMethod = "POST" Then
        objWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", _
      End If
      If strHostOverride <> "" Then
        objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Host", strHostOverride
      End If
      objWinHttp.Option(0) = strUserAgentString
      objWinHttp.Option(4) = intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
      objWinHttp.Option(6) = blnEnableRedirects
      objWinHttp.Option(12) = blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects
      If (strLogin <> "") And (strPassword <> "") Then
        objWinHttp.SetCredentials strLogin, strPassword, 0
      End If    
      On Error Resume Next
      If Err.Number = 0 Then
        If objWinHttp.Status = "200" Then
          GetDataFromURL = objWinHttp.ResponseText
          GetDataFromURL = "HTTP " & objWinHttp.Status & " " & _
        End If
        GetDataFromURL = "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & _
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      Set objWinHttp = Nothing
    End Function 
    Sub Download(URL,Save2File)
        Dim File,Line,BS,ws
        On Error Resume Next
        Set File = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        File.Open "GET",URL, False
        If err.number <> 0 then
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Error Getting File"
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Error " & err.number & "(0x" & hex(err.number) & ") " &  vbcrlf &_
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Source " & err.source 
            MsgBox Line,vbCritical,"Error getting file"
        End If
        If File.Status = 200 Then ' File exists and it is ready to be downloaded
            Set BS = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
            BS.type = 1
            BS.Write File.ResponseBody
            BS.SaveToFile Save2File, 2
        ElseIf File.Status = 404 Then
            MsgBox "File Not found : " & File.Status,vbCritical,"Error File Not Found"
            MsgBox "Unknown Error : " & File.Status,vbCritical,"Error getting file"
        End If
    End Sub
    Function GetFileName(Data)
    Dim regEx, Match, Matches,FileName
        Set regEx = New RegExp
        regEx.Pattern = "\x22(\w.*)\x22"
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Global = True
        Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Data)
        For Each Match in Matches
            FileName = Match.subMatches(0)
        GetFileName = FileName
    End Function

    New Version : Multi-Downloader.vbs to download from a direct or dynamic link with a progress bar in HTA.

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    Option Explicit
    If AppPrevInstance() Then 
        MsgBox "The script is already launching" & vbCrlf &_
        CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptName),VbExclamation,"The script is already launching"    
        Const Copyright = " by Hackoo 2018"
        Dim Title : Title = "Get Header Location and download file" & Copyright
        Const WHR_EnableRedirects = 6
        Dim Default_Link,Base_Link,Dynamic_Link,Flag,Question,DirectLink,Save2File
        Dim fso,ws,Temp,WaitingMsg,oExec
        Default_Link = ""
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        Temp = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
    ' "" 'Tested OK ==> Malwarebytes v3.4.4
    ' "" 'Tested OK ==> Adwcleaner v7.0.8.0
    ' "" Tested OK ==> a direct link example
        Base_Link = InputBox("Copy and paste your link here to get the response header",Title,Default_Link)
        If CheckDirectLink(Base_Link) = True And Instr(Base_Link,"php") = 0 Then 'Check if it is a direct link
            Save2File = GetFileNamefromDirectLink(Base_Link)
            If Save2File = "" Then
                MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred ! Quitting the script !",vbCritical,Title
            End If
            WaitingMsg = "Please wait ... The download of : <font color=Yellow>"& DblQuote(Save2File) & "</font> is in progress ..."
            Call CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)'Creation of Waiting Bar
            Call LaunchProgressBar() 'Launch of the Waiting Bar
            Call Download(Base_Link,Save2File)
            Call CloseProgressBar()
            MsgBox "The download of the file : "& Save2File & vbCrlf &_
            "is Completed !",vbInformation,Title
        End If
        Call GetHeaderLocation(Base_Link)
        If Flag = True And CheckDirectLink(GetHeaderLocation(Base_Link)) = True Then 'Checking for a direct link of Malwarebytes 
            Save2File = GetFileNamefromDirectLink(GetHeaderLocation(Base_Link))
            If Save2File = "" Then
                MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred ! Quitting the script !",vbCritical,Title
            End If
            DirectLink = GetHeaderLocation(Base_Link)
    'wscript.echo DirectLink & vbCrlf & Save2File
            Question = MsgBox("Did you want to download this file ?" & vbCrlf &_
            If Question = vbYes Then
                If Save2File <> "" Then
                    WaitingMsg = "Please wait ... The download of : <font color=Yellow>"& DblQuote(Save2File) & "</font> is in progress ..."
                    Call CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)'Creation of Waiting Bar
                    Call LaunchProgressBar() 'Launch of the Waiting Bar
                    Call Download(DirectLink,Save2File)
                    Call CloseProgressBar()
                    MsgBox "The download of the file : "& Save2File & vbCrlf &_
                    "is Completed !",vbInformation,Title
                End If  
            End If
        ElseIf Instr(Base_Link,"toolslib") <> 0 And Flag = True Then 'for Adwcleaner
            Dynamic_Link = Extract_Dynamic_Link(GetDataFromURL(Base_Link,"Get", ""))
            Save2File = GetFileName(GetHeaderLocation(Dynamic_Link))
            If Save2File = "" Then
                MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred ! Quitting the script !",vbCritical,Title
            End If
            Question = MsgBox("The Dynamic Link is = "& Dynamic_Link & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_
            "Response of The Dynamic Link is : "& vbcrlf & GetHeaderLocation(Dynamic_Link) & vbCrlf & vbCrlf &_
            "Extracted FileName is = " & Save2File,vbYesNo+vbQuestion,Title)
            If Question = vbYes Then
                WaitingMsg = "Please wait ... The download of : <font color=Yellow>"& DblQuote(Save2File) & "</font> is in progress ..."
                Call CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)'Creation of Waiting Bar
                Call LaunchProgressBar() 'Launch of the Waiting Bar
                Call Download(Dynamic_Link,Save2File)
                Call CloseProgressBar()
                MsgBox "The download of the file : "& Save2File & vbCrlf &_
                "is Completed !",vbInformation,Title
            End If      
        ElseIf Instr(Base_Link,"php") > 0 And Flag = False Then
            Save2File = GetFileName(GetHeaderLocation(Base_Link)) ' for site of
            If Save2File = "" Then 
                MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred ! Quitting the script !",vbCritical,Title
            End If
            Question = MsgBox("Did you want to download this file ?" & vbCrlf &_
            If Question = vbYes Then
                WaitingMsg = "Please wait ... The download of : <font color=Yellow>"& DblQuote(Save2File) & "</font> is in progress ..."
                Call CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)'Creation of Waiting Bar
                Call LaunchProgressBar() 'Launch of the Waiting Bar
                Call Download(Base_Link,Save2File)
                Call CloseProgressBar()
                MsgBox "The download of the file : "& Save2File & vbCrlf &_
                "is Completed !",vbInformation,Title
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Function GetHeaderLocation(URL)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim h,GetLocation
        Set h = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        h.Option(WHR_EnableRedirects) = False
        h.Open "HEAD", URL , False
        GetLocation = h.GetResponseHeader("Location")
        If Err = 0 Then
            Flag = True
            GetHeaderLocation = GetLocation
            Flag = False
            GetHeaderLocation = h.GetResponseHeader("Content-Disposition")
        End If  
    End Function
    Function GetFileName(Data)
        Dim regEx, Match, Matches,FileName
        Set regEx = New RegExp
        regEx.Pattern = "\x27{2}(\w.*)"
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Global = True
        If regEx.Test(Data) Then
            Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Data)
            For Each Match in Matches
                FileName = Match.subMatches(0)
            Set regEx = New RegExp
            regEx.Pattern = "\x22(\w.*)\x22"
            regEx.IgnoreCase = True
            regEx.Global = True
            Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Data)
            For Each Match in Matches
                FileName = Match.subMatches(0)
        End If
        GetFileName = FileName
    End Function
    Function Extract_Dynamic_Link(Data)
        Dim regEx, Match, Matches,Dynamic_Link
        Set regEx = New RegExp
        regEx.Pattern = Base_Link & "\?s=[^""]*"
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Global = True
        Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Data)
        For Each Match in Matches
            Dynamic_Link = Match.Value
        Extract_Dynamic_Link = Dynamic_Link
    End Function
    Function GetDataFromURL(strURL, strMethod, strPostData)
        Dim lngTimeout
        Dim strUserAgentString
        Dim intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
        Dim blnEnableRedirects
        Dim blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects
        Dim strHostOverride
        Dim strLogin
        Dim strPassword
        Dim strResponseText
        Dim objWinHttp
        lngTimeout = 59000
        strUserAgentString = "http_requester/0.1"
        intSslErrorIgnoreFlags = 13056 ' 13056: ignore all err, 0: accept no err
        blnEnableRedirects = True
        blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects = True
        strHostOverride = ""
        strLogin = ""
        strPassword = ""
        Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        objWinHttp.SetTimeouts lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout
        objWinHttp.Open strMethod, strURL
        If strMethod = "POST" Then
            objWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", _
        End If
        If strHostOverride <> "" Then
            objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Host", strHostOverride
        End If
        objWinHttp.Option(0) = strUserAgentString
        objWinHttp.Option(4) = intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
        objWinHttp.Option(6) = blnEnableRedirects
        objWinHttp.Option(12) = blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects
        If (strLogin <> "") And (strPassword <> "") Then
            objWinHttp.SetCredentials strLogin, strPassword, 0
        End If    
        On Error Resume Next
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            If objWinHttp.Status = "200" Then
                GetDataFromURL = objWinHttp.ResponseText
                GetDataFromURL = "HTTP " & objWinHttp.Status & " " & _
            End If
            GetDataFromURL = "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & _
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set objWinHttp = Nothing
    End Function 
    Sub Download(URL,Save2File)
        Dim File,Line,BS,ws
        On Error Resume Next
        Set File = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        File.Open "GET",URL, False
        If err.number <> 0 then
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Error Getting File"
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Error " & err.number & "(0x" & hex(err.number) & ") " &  vbcrlf &_
            Line  = Line &  vbcrlf & "Source " & err.source 
            MsgBox Line,vbCritical,"Error getting file"
        End If
        If File.Status = 200 Then ' File exists and it is ready to be downloaded
            Set BS = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
            BS.type = 1
            BS.Write File.ResponseBody
            BS.SaveToFile Save2File, 2
        ElseIf File.Status = 404 Then
            MsgBox "File Not found : " & File.Status,vbCritical,"Error File Not Found"
            MsgBox "Unknown Error : " & File.Status,vbCritical,"Error getting file"
        End If
    End Sub
    Function GetFileNamefromDirectLink(URL)
        Dim ArrFile,FileName
        ArrFile = Split(URL,"/")
        FileName = ArrFile(UBound(ArrFile))
        GetFileNamefromDirectLink = FileName
    End Function
    Function CheckDirectLink(URL)
        Dim regEx
        Set regEx = New RegExp
        regEx.Pattern = "(.exe|.zip|.rar|.msi|.vbs|.bat|.hta|.txt|.log|.doc" & _
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Global = False
        If regEx.Test(URL) Then
            CheckDirectLink = True
        End If
    End Function
    Sub CreateProgressBar(Title,WaitingMsg)
        Dim ws,fso,f,f2,ts,ts2,Ligne,i,fread,LireTout,NbLigneTotal,Temp,PathOutPutHTML,fhta,oExec
        Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
        PathOutPutHTML = Temp & "\Barre.hta"
        Set fhta = fso.OpenTextFile(PathOutPutHTML,2,True)
        fhta.WriteLine "<HTML>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<HEAD>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<Title>  " & Title & "</Title>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<HTA:APPLICATION"
        fhta.WriteLine "ICON = ""magnify.exe"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "BORDER=""THIN"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "INNERBORDER=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "MAXIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "MINIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "SCROLL=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "SYSMENU=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "SELECTION=""NO"" "
        fhta.WriteLine "SINGLEINSTANCE=""YES"">"
        fhta.WriteLine "</HEAD>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<BODY text=""white""><CENTER>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<marquee DIRECTION=""LEFT"" SCROLLAMOUNT=""3"" BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE><font face=""Comic sans MS"">" & WaitingMsg &"</font></marquee>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<img src="""" />"
        fhta.WriteLine "</CENTER></BODY></HTML>"
        fhta.WriteLine "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""VBScript""> "
        fhta.WriteLine "Set ws = CreateObject(""wscript.Shell"")"
        fhta.WriteLine "Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(""%Temp%"")"
        fhta.WriteLine "Sub window_onload()"
        fhta.WriteLine "    CenterWindow 570,100"
        fhta.WriteLine "    Self.document.bgColor = ""DarkOrange"" "
        fhta.WriteLine " End Sub"
        fhta.WriteLine " Sub CenterWindow(x,y)"
        fhta.WriteLine "    Dim iLeft,itop"
        fhta.WriteLine "    window.resizeTo x,y"
        fhta.WriteLine "    iLeft = window.screen.availWidth/2 - x/2"
        fhta.WriteLine "    itop = window.screen.availHeight/2 - y/2"
        fhta.WriteLine "    window.moveTo ileft,itop"
        fhta.WriteLine "End Sub"
        fhta.WriteLine "</script>"
    End Sub
    Sub LaunchProgressBar()
        Set oExec = Ws.Exec("mshta.exe " & Temp & "\Barre.hta")
    End Sub
    Sub CloseProgressBar()
    End Sub
    Function DblQuote(Str)
        DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
    End Function
    Sub Pause(Secs)    
        Wscript.Sleep(Secs * 1000)    
    End Sub   
    Function AppPrevInstance()
        With GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")  
            With .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine LIKE " & CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptFullName) & _
                " AND CommandLine LIKE '%WScript%' OR CommandLine LIKE '%cscript%'")
                AppPrevInstance = (.Count > 1)
            End With
        End With
    End Function    
    Function CommandLineLike(ProcessPath)
        ProcessPath = Replace(ProcessPath, "\", "\\")
        CommandLineLike = "'%" & ProcessPath & "%'" 
    End Function