I'm looking for a way to change dynamically the tx_news.settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage of tx_news in FE. I would like the user to set the number of items in FE and the news will automatically refresh.
Can you give me some hint?
This can work out like this
1st: adopt the template
This will add a select with the options
<select onchange="if (this.value) window.location.href=this.value">
<option value="">default</option>
<option value="{f:uri.action(action:'list',addQueryString:1,additionalParams:{count:2})}">2</option>
<option value="{f:uri.action(action:'list',addQueryString:1,additionalParams:{count:5})}">5</option>
<option value="{f:uri.action(action:'list',addQueryString:1,additionalParams:{count:10})}">10</option>
<option value="{f:uri.action(action:'list',addQueryString:1,additionalParams:{count:20})}">20</option>
what is currently missing is a check on {settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage} and add the selected
2nd: add some TS
[globalVar = GP:count = 2]
plugin.tx_news.settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 2
config.linkVars = count
[globalVar = GP:count = 5]
plugin.tx_news.settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 5
config.linkVars = count
[globalVar = GP:count = 10]
plugin.tx_news.settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 10
config.linkVars = count