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How i can add one more value to my varray list in a column in pl/sql?

I'm trying to add one more value to my varray list of numbers called burse using multiset union all but I get this error. [Istoric is my column name and bure is the type (varray of numbers)1

But when I insert a single value its working. Example:enter image description here

What I am doing wrong ?

This is how I declare and insert into column enter image description here


  • This should work...

    update student 
    set istoric = istoric multiset union all bure(42, 23) 
    where id = 1 

    ... except that you're now using a VARRAY (and not the nested table you had in your previous question). So you get an error message:

    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected UDT got BURE

    The reason is, according to the documentation:

    "While nested tables can also be changed in a piecewise fashions, varrays cannot....However, you cannot update or delete individual varray elements directly with SQL; you have to select the varray from the table, change it in PL/SQL, then update the table to include the new varray." (emphasis mine)

    This is because VARRAYs are ordered sets while Nested Tables are not. Unless there is a firm requirement to maintain the order of elements it is better to use Nested Tables rather than Varrays: they're just more convenient.

    So here is how you can update a Varray using PL/SQL:

        lv bure;
        cnt pls_integer;
        select istoric into lv
        from student
        where id = 1;
        cnt := lv.count();
        lv(cnt+1) := 23 ;
        lv(cnt+2) := 69 ;
        update student
        set istoric = lv
        where id = 1;