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Why is my implementations of the log-loss (or cross-entropy) not producing the same results?

I was reading up on log-loss and cross-entropy, and it seems like there are 2 approaches for calculating it, based on the following equations.

enter image description here

The first one is the following.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

def cross_entropy(predictions, targets):
    N = predictions.shape[0]
    ce = -np.sum(targets * np.log(predictions)) / N
    return ce

predictions = np.array([[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],
targets = np.array([[1,0,0,0],

x = cross_entropy(predictions, targets)
print(log_loss(targets, predictions), 'our_answer:', ans)

The output of the previous program is 0.7083767843022996 our_answer: 0.71355817782, which is almost the same. So that's not the issue.

The above implementation is the middle part of the equation above.

The second approach is based on the RHS part of the equation above.

res = 0
for act_row, pred_row in zip(targets, np.array(predictions)):
    for class_act, class_pred in zip(act_row, pred_row):
        res += - class_act * np.log(class_pred) - (1-class_act) * np.log(1-class_pred)


And the output is 1.1549753967602232, which is not quite the same.

I have tried the same implementation with NumPy, but it also didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

PS: I am also curious that -y log (y_hat) seems to me that it's same as - sigma(p_i * log( q_i)) then how come there is a -(1-y) log(1-y_hat) part. Clearly I am misunderstanding how -y log (y_hat) is to be calculated.


  • I cannot reproduce the difference in the results you report in the first part (you also refer to an ans variable, which you do not seem to define, I guess it is x):

    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
    def cross_entropy(predictions, targets):
        N = predictions.shape[0]
        ce = -np.sum(targets * np.log(predictions)) / N
        return ce
    predictions = np.array([[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],
    targets = np.array([[1,0,0,0],

    The results:

    cross_entropy(predictions, targets)
    # 0.7083767843022996
    log_loss(targets, predictions)
    # 0.7083767843022996
    log_loss(targets, predictions) == cross_entropy(predictions, targets)
    # True

    Your cross_entropy function seems to work fine.

    Regarding the second part:

    Clearly I am misunderstanding how -y log (y_hat) is to be calculated.

    Indeed, reading more carefully the wiki you have linked to, you'll see that the RHS of the equation holds only for binary classification (where always one of y and 1-y will be zero), which is not the case here - you have a 4-class multinomial classification. So, the correct formulation is

    res = 0
    for act_row, pred_row in zip(targets, np.array(predictions)):
        for class_act, class_pred in zip(act_row, pred_row):
            res += - class_act * np.log(class_pred)

    i.e. discarding the subtraction of (1-class_act) * np.log(1-class_pred).


    # 0.7083767843022996
    res/len(targets) == log_loss(targets, predictions)
    # True

    On a more general level (the mechanics of log loss & accuracy for binary classification), you may find this answer useful.