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Difficulty reproducing stacked bar graph in R using dygraphs

I’ve been using the dygraphs R package to produce some wonderful timeseries plots, but am having great difficulty reproducing the examples located here:

I’m particularly interested in creating a stacked bar chart: Desired stacked bar chart

My data is an xts/zoo object and plots nicely using the standard dygraph function: sample plot

However, I am unsure where the dyStackedBarGroup function comes from. It appears these functions must be created, and point to the specific plotters in .js files.

I can see for the first example, how dyBarChart is created, but there is no stackedbarchar.js/stackedbargroup.js in my local dygraph installation (however I can see the file in

I’ve attempted to source all the functions and .js files from the github page which do not appear to be made available when loading the dygraphs package locally, but I remain unsuccessful.

Am I doing something completely wrong?


  • set stackedGraph argument in dyOptions to TRUE. dyOptions(stackedGraph = TRUE).

    The javascript file for the barchart can be found at "examples/plotters/barchart.js" of the dygraphs package directory.


    lungDeaths <- cbind(mdeaths, ldeaths)


    # create dygraph plotter
    dyBarChart <- function(dygraph) {
      dyPlotter(dygraph = dygraph,
                name = "BarChart",
                path = system.file("examples/plotters/barchart.js", package = "dygraphs"))
    dygraph(lungDeaths) %>%   # create dygraph of lungDeaths
      dyBarChart() %>%        # create bar chart with the passed dygraph
      dyOptions(stackedGraph = TRUE)  # make it as stacked bar chart

    enter image description here