I'm trying to make ¬ a logical negation operator.
¬ True;
multi sub prefix:<¬> ($n) {
return not $n;
When I run the above program, it returns this error:
$ perl6 test.pl6 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/devXYZ/test.pl6 Bogus statement at /home/devXYZ/test.pl6:1 ------> <BOL>⏏¬ True; expecting any of: prefix term
Does anyone know what the cause might be?
The declaration of the new operator must appear before its usage. Changing the program to:
multi sub prefix:<¬> ($n) {
return not $n;
say ¬ True;
Makes it work fine.
Perl 6 has strict one-pass parsing rules. Therefore, order matters with anything that influences the language being parsed - such as by introducing a type or a new operator.