I am trying to return a float or a double from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 4 in Swift4. The closest I can come to getting what I need is by using GameplayKit -> GKGaussianDistribution as implemented in the code below:
func generateForecast() {
let gauss = GKGaussianDistribution(randomSource: self.source, mean: 0.0, deviation: 4.0)
self.epsilon = gauss.nextInt()
My problem is when I call
I obviously get an integer. And when I try
I get a number between -1 and 1.
Is there a fairly simple way to return a float or double from a normal distribution in Swift4 instead of an Int or a float between -1 and 1?
import AppKit
import PlaygroundSupport
import GameplayKit
let nibFile = NSNib.Name(rawValue:"MyView")
var topLevelObjects : NSArray?
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(nibFile, owner:nil, topLevelObjects: &topLevelObjects)
let views = (topLevelObjects as! Array<Any>).filter { $0 is NSView }
// Present the view in Playground
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = views[0] as! NSView
let s = 0.001
var auto_corr: [Int] = []
class Market {
var numAgents: Int
var traders: [Agent] = []
var price: Double
var epsilon: Int
var priceHist: [Double] = []
var returnHist: [Double] = []
var returnRealHist: [Double] = []
var logReturn: Double = 0
var realReturn: Double = 0
let source = GKRandomSource()
init(numAgents: Int, price: Double, epsilon: Int) {
self.numAgents = numAgents
self.price = price
self.epsilon = epsilon
for _ in 1...numAgents {
self.traders.append(Agent(phi: 1, theta: 1))
func generateForecast() {
let gauss = GKGaussianDistribution(randomSource: self.source, mean: 0.0, deviation: 4.0)
self.epsilon = gauss.nextInt()
The documentation for GKGaussianDistribution
does not mention that it overrides nextUniform()
from the base class so don't assume it will return normally distributed values for you:
You can roll your own Gaussian Distribution using the Box-Muller Transformation:
class MyGaussianDistribution {
private let randomSource: GKRandomSource
let mean: Float
let deviation: Float
init(randomSource: GKRandomSource, mean: Float, deviation: Float) {
precondition(deviation >= 0)
self.randomSource = randomSource
self.mean = mean
self.deviation = deviation
func nextFloat() -> Float {
guard deviation > 0 else { return mean }
let x1 = randomSource.nextUniform() // a random number between 0 and 1
let x2 = randomSource.nextUniform() // a random number between 0 and 1
let z1 = sqrt(-2 * log(x1)) * cos(2 * Float.pi * x2) // z1 is normally distributed
// Convert z1 from the Standard Normal Distribution to our Normal Distribution
return z1 * deviation + mean
I intentionally did not subclass it from GKRandomDistribution
since there are other methods I need to override but are not relevant to this question.