I'm doing a select on a table only selecting two columns.
I would like to construct the following XML
<choice value='1'>choice 1</choice>
<choice value='2'>choice 2</choice>
<choice value='3'>choice 3</choice>
I can currently get:
<choice value="1">choice 1</choice>
<choice value="2">choice 2</choice>
<choice value="3">choice 3</choice>
using this SQL:
ID AS 'choice/@value',
DisplayName AS 'choice'
FROM tablename
WHERE [Status] = 'open'
FOR XML PATH ('root')
What do I need to change to get that format? i.e. the choice elements within one root element?
You found your answer, great (+1 from my side), just one more choice :-)
INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES('Choice 1'),('Choice 2');
SELECT ID AS [@value]
,DisplayName AS [*]
FROM @tbl
FOR XML PATH('choice'),ROOT('root')
The PATH('x')
gives a node to each table row, while the ROOT('y')
wraps the whole output into a root element.
The code above will give back exactly the same, but is a bit closer to the way it is meant to be...