Similar questions are asked but they do not give answer to my question. I am trying to create Abstract class (with one pure virtual function). But compiler gives this error:
src/library.cpp:11:24: error: invalid cast to abstract class type ‘mgc::Shapes’ Shapes(length, name);
I have constructor of Abstract class as it has member variables and member functions. I have no idea why this error is coming..
Here is my header file librar.h
class Shapes
Shapes(double len = 0.0, std::string name = "");
virtual void printClass();
virtual double area() = 0;
double len_, width_;
std::string name_;
class Triangle : public Shapes
Triangle(double lene =0, std::string namee= "" );
void printClass();
double area();
Here is my implementation file library.cpp
mgc::Shapes::Shapes(double length, std::string name)
: len_(length),
mgc::Triangle::Triangle(double length, std::string name)
Shapes(length, name);
void mgc::Shapes::printClass()
std::cout<<"Base class is called"<<std::endl;
void mgc::Triangle::printClass()
std::cout<<"Triangle class is called"<<std::endl;
double mgc::Triangle::area()
constructor should invoke base class constructor inside of initialization list:
mgc::Triangle::Triangle(double length, std::string name)
: Shapes(length, name)