I am trying for the first time ISSkin with Inno Setup. I wanted to try the black style. So I tried their sample:
AppName=ISSkin Example
; Add the ISSkin DLL used for skinning Inno Setup installations.
Source: ISSkin.dll; DestDir: {app}; Flags: dontcopy
; Add the Visual Style resource contains resources used for skinning,
; you can also use Microsoft Visual Styles (*.msstyles) resources.
Source: Styles\Office2007.cjstyles; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy
Name: {group}\Uninstall =ISSkin; Filename: {app}\unins000.exe
// The following code block is used to load the ISS, pass in
// NormalBlack.ini as the second parameter to LoadSkin to use
// the Black color scheme instead of the default Blue color
// scheme.
// Importing LoadSkin API from ISSkin.DLL
procedure LoadSkin(lpszPath: String; lpszIniFileName: String);
external 'LoadSkin@files:isskin.dll stdcall';
// Importing UnloadSkin API from ISSkin.DLL
procedure UnloadSkin();
external 'UnloadSkin@files:isskin.dll stdcall';
// Importing ShowWindow Windows API from User32.DLL
function ShowWindow(hWnd: Integer; uType: Integer): Integer;
external 'ShowWindow@user32.dll stdcall';
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
LoadSkin(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Office2007.cjstyles'), 'NormalBlack.ini');
Result := True;
procedure DeinitializeSetup();
// Hide Window before unloading skin so user does not get
// a glimse of an unskinned window before it is closed.
ShowWindow(StrToInt(ExpandConstant('{wizardhwnd}')), 0);
I could not get it to work. The program looked normal.
I notice the software they provide is dated 2010. I am using latest Unicode Inno Setup.
How to do this skinning with it?
With Unicode version of Inno Setup you should use Unicode version of the plugin: ISSkinU.dll
Source: ISSkinU.dll; DestDir: {app}; Flags: dontcopy
procedure LoadSkin(lpszPath: String; lpszIniFileName: String);
external 'LoadSkin@files:isskinU.dll stdcall';
procedure UnloadSkin();
external 'UnloadSkin@files:isskinU.dll stdcall';
(rest of the code is the same as in your question)