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what is the error in the itemclicked?

i have a python that includes a list that handle the path of existing PDF FILES in the selected folder.

what i want is to make the system print in the console the selected item when the user click on the item.

so it must be connect to an itemclick event.

i will appreciate any help.

the system display this exception :

this error occure 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'

this is how i tried to make it : self.listWidgetPDFlist.itemClicked.... how to continue?

create an empty list


loop over the selected folder and add the matched item to the widgetList

for root,dirs,files in os.walk(directory):
            for filename in files:
                if filename.endswith('.pdf'):

        # add the list into the  listWidgetPDFlist          

upon selection of an item make the system print in the console the current item


the problem is in the above line of code


  • Item clicked is a signal and must be connected to function.

    self.listWidgetPDFlist.itemClicked.connect(lambda: print(self.listWidgetPDFlist.currentItem().text()))

    The line above uses a lambda statement to print the selected item in a single line of code. This will work for very simple things like you are trying to do here, but you can also connect this to a method to do more.

    def print_item(self):
        # handle other items here

    When connecting to a method you must leave the parentheses off the methods name when connecting it to the signal.