Disclaimer: I'm little to no experience with SparkR
Take the following dataframe:
ID Date1 Date2
58844880 04/11/16 NaN
59745846 04/12/16 04/14/16
59743311 04/13/16 NaN
59745848 04/14/16 04/11/16
59598413 NaN NaN
59745921 04/14/16 04/14/16
59561199 04/15/16 04/15/16
NaN 04/16/16 04/16/16
59561198 NaN 04/17/16
I'd like to just grab the rows that have NaN
in the Date 2 column.
In R, I would use new_DF <- DF[is.na(DF$Var),]
but I'm not sure what to do in SparkR
Here is one option using sparklyr
con <- spark_connect(master = "local")
DF1 = copy_to(con, DF)
DF1 %>%
funs(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(., "MM/dd/yy"))))) %>%
filter(is.na(Date2)) %>%
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# ID Date1 Date2
# <dbl> <date> <date>
#1 58844880 2016-04-10 NA
#2 59743311 2016-04-12 NA
#3 59598413 NA NA
DF <- structure(list(ID = c(58844880, 59745846, 59743311, 59745848,
59598413, 59745921, 59561199, NaN, 59561198), Date1 = c("04/11/16",
"04/12/16", "04/13/16", "04/14/16", "NaN", "04/14/16", "04/15/16",
"04/16/16", "NaN"), Date2 = c("NaN", "04/14/16", "NaN", "04/11/16",
"NaN", "04/14/16", "04/15/16", "04/16/16", "04/17/16")), .Names = c("ID",
"Date1", "Date2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L