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Accessing Service Fabric with reverse proxy and SSL from custom domain

By following many docs/tutorials I implemented SSL with Kernel and reverse proxy in my SF. I made it work but the access point Url is as follow : before I implemented https, I had a CNAME redirecting to which was working fine. So now, I would like to know if there's a way to call and access the actual Uri. Is there a way with what I already have in place through probes/lbrules for example? Or do I have to implement an Application Gateway or use API management or something else?

Edit : LBRules+Probes

AppPortProbe : 44338 (backend ssl port in the SF)
FabricGatewayProbe : 19000
FabricHttpGatewayProbe : 19080
SFReverseProxyProbe : 19081

[Rule : Probe]
[AppPortLBRule (TCP/80 to TCP/19081) : 19081]
[LBHttpRule (TCP/19080) : 19080]
[LBRule (TCP/19000) : 19000]
[LBSFReverseProxyRule (TCP/19081 to TCP/44338) : 44338]


  • go to godaddy or whichever domain provider you use and add a transfert to your your azure domain :