I wrote a show()
method for the S4 class myclass
which I had defined in my package. I generated documentation for class and method with roxygen2. Everything works nicely, except that I get the following warning in R CMD check results:
checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
Undocumented S4 methods: generic 'length' and siglist 'myclass'
How do I go about documenting show
generic which I did not write myself?
In the end, using explicit @aliases
and @docType
tags solved the issue for me. My documentation block now looks like this:
#' Show method for objects of class \code{myclass}.
#' @docType methods
#' @name show-myclass
#' @rdname show-myclass
#' @aliases show-myclass show,myclass-method
#' @param x A \code{myclass} object.
#' @export