I have some Matlab code lines for drawing Double Moon Classification:
function data=dm(r,w,ts,d)
clear all; close all;
if nargin<4, w=6;end
if nargin<3, r=10;end
if nargin<2, d=-4;end
if nargin < 1, ts=1000; end
done=0; tmp1=[];
while ~done,
tmp=[2*(r+w/2)*(rand(ts1,1)-0.5) (r+w/2)*rand(ts1,1)];
idx=find([tmp(:,3)>r-w/2] & [tmp(:,3)<r+w/2]);
if length(idx)>= ts,
data=[tmp1(1:ts,:) zeros(ts,1);
[tmp1(1:ts,1)+r -tmp1(1:ts,2)-d ones(ts,1)]];
title(['Perceptron with the double-moon set at distance d = ' num2str(d)]),
axis([-r-w/2 2*r+w/2 -r-w/2-d r+w/2])
save dm r w ts d data;
My question is how to put a line into the Double Moon Classification so that can separate both classification in Matlab code?
I have made a simulation of your problem and wrote a pragmatic solution based on the steps
The main part (without my data generation code and the plot I did) of the code is
PBlues = data(1:ts,:);
PReds = data(ts+1:end,:);
Xs = linspace( min(data(:,1)), max(data(:,1)), 100);
Ys = linspace( min(data(:,2)), max(data(:,2)), 100);
[Xs,Ys] = meshgrid( Xs, Ys);
%% compute point relative distance to each point set (ble and red)
bCouldbeInbetween = false(size(Xs));
minDistsb = zeros(size(Xs));
minDistsr = zeros(size(Xs));
for p=1:numel(Xs)
distb = sqrt( (Xs(p)- PBlues(:,1)).^2+(Ys(p)- PBlues(:,2)).^2);
distr = sqrt( (Xs(p)- PReds(:,1)).^2+(Ys(p)- PReds(:,2)).^2);
minDistsb(p) = min(distb);
minDistsr(p) = min(distr);
i = find(distb == minDistsb(p));
j = find(distr == minDistsr(p));
bCouldbeInbetween(p) = (sign(PBlues(i,1)-Xs(p)) ~= sign(PReds(j,1)-Xs(p))) || ...
(sign(PBlues(i,2)-Ys(p)) ~= sign(PReds(j,2)-Ys(p)));
if bCouldbeInbetween(p)
% point distance difference to each point set
DistDiffs = abs(minDistsb - minDistsr);
% point with equal distance using proportional decision strategy
bCandidates = DistDiffs./ max(minDistsb,minDistsr) < 0.05;
medianLine = [Xs(bCandidates),Ys(bCandidates)];
[~,I] = sort(medianLine(:,1));
medianLine(:,1) = medianLine(I,1);
medianLine(:,2) = medianLine(I,2);
I hope this helps I have just made a submission which can be downloaded here: https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/66618-linebetweentwopointsgroups-exchange--