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Docker container terminating automatically

I am working on a test docker-compose file to run a container with three mongod servers, which form a replica set (One is primary, one is secondary and one is arbiter).

My Dockerfile looks like :-

FROM mongo:3.6.2


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y netcat

COPY ./.docker/mongo_scripts /mongo_scripts

RUN chmod +rx /mongo_scripts/*.sh

EXPOSE 27091 27092 27093

ENTRYPOINT ["/mongo_scripts/"]

and my script looks like :-


# shell script to create a simple mongodb replica set (tested on osx)
mkdir -p /mongosvr/rs-0
mkdir -p /mongosvr/rs-1
mkdir -p /mongosvr/rs-2

mongod --dbpath /mongosvr/rs-0 --bind_ip_all --replSet "demo" --port 27091 --pidfilepath /mongosvr/ 2>&1 &

mongod --dbpath /mongosvr/rs-1 --bind_ip_all --replSet "demo" --port 27092 --pidfilepath /mongosvr/ 2>&1 &

mongod --dbpath /mongosvr/rs-2 --bind_ip_all --replSet "demo" --port 27093 --pidfilepath /mongosvr/ 2>&1 &

# wait a bit for the first server to come up
sleep 5

# call rs.initiate({...})
    _id: 'demo',
    members: [
        {_id: 0, host: 'localhost:27091', 'priority':10},
        {_id: 1, host: 'localhost:27092'},
        {_id: 2, host: 'localhost:27093', arbiterOnly: true}
mongo localhost:27091 <<EOF
var cfg={
    _id: 'demo',
    members: [
        {_id: 0, host: 'localhost:27091', 'priority':10},
        {_id: 1, host: 'localhost:27092'},
        {_id: 2, host: 'localhost:27093', arbiterOnly: true}
    rs.initiate(cfg, { force: true });

Its a simple script running three mongod servers, and initialising replica set configuration. But after the last command is successfully executed, the following is logged :-

I NETWORK  [conn1] end connection (2 connections now open)

and my container stops:-

mongodb_rs exited with code 0

I guess its some issue with setting replica set config, after which some termination command is send....


  • Only thing that worked as of now is that I put following command at the end of the script:-

    sleep infinity

    I still don't know whether its the best way.... Still looking for better solution, or explanation if the current one is the best....