Given I have two eloquent models: Booking and Customer.
When I list all Bookings along with the respective Customer, I also want to show the amount of Bookings the respective customer has in total (count of this Booking + all other bookings).
Example output:
In order to avoid the n+1 problem (one additional query per booking while showing this), I'd like to eager load the bookingsCount
for the Customer.
The relations are:
Booking: public function customer() { return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class) }
Customer: public function bookings() { return $this->hasMany(Booking::class) }
Example for querying the Bookings with eager loading
Working, but without eager loading of the bookingsCount:
Not working:
I learned, that you cannot use withCount
on fields of related models, but you can create a hasManyThrough
relation and call withCount
on that relation, e.g. Booking::whereNotCancelled()->withCount('customerBookings');
(see accepted answer here).
However: This doesn't work. I guess, it's because a Booking belongsTo a Customer and a Customer hasMany Bookings.
Here's the hasManyThrough relation of class Booking
public function customerBookings()
// return the bookings of this booking's customer
return $this->hasManyThrough(Booking::class, Customer::class);
Here's the failing test for hasManyThrough
* @test
public function it_has_a_relationship_to_the_customers_bookings()
// Given we have a booking
$booking = factory(Booking::class)->create();
// And this booking's customer has other bookings
$other = factory(Booking::class,2)->create(['customer_id' => $booking->customer->id]);
// Then we expect the booking to query all bookings of the customer
$this->assertEquals(3, Booking::find($booking->id)->customerBookings()->count());
Reported error
no such column: customers.booking_id (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from "bookings" inner join "customers" on "customers"."id" = "bookings"."customer_id" where "customers"."booking_id" = efe51792-2e9a-4ec0-ae9b-a52f33167b66)
No surprise. There is no such column customer.booking_id
The Question
Is the intended behavior even possible in this case? If so, how would I eager load the booking's customer's total count of bookings?
Try this:
public function customer() {
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class)->withCount('bookings');