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Javascript inserting data into cell with index and data

This seems very simple but I just can't get my head around it. I am trying to insert data I get back and replace the cell contents at the specified cell index. I am getting the data (Kevin) and index (0) back from the function call's input parameters. But I'm just not able to insert this data into the desired cell. I have tried insertCell function, but this won't replace the contents, it'll just keep appending new cells.

My console.logs report the correct index and data, I've tried inserting/replacing the content of the cell like this: td[index].innerHTML = data but this gives an error, apparently td[index] returns a object HTMLTableCellElement, so i can't do it this way.


                <tr id="data-row-body">
                    <td></td> //need to insert here


function exeAPI(api, key, index, callback) {
      type: "POST",
      data: {
          name: name,
          api: api
      dataType: "text", 
            try {
                var jsonText = result.substr(result.indexOf('{'));
                console.log("this is the jsontext: " + jsonText);  
                var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonText);

                callback(jsonObj.response.result[key], index);
            } catch(e) {
                alert("Error getting rack data!");

//getting back "Kevin" and "0" as parameters to insert here

function exeAPIcallback(data, index){
    var td = $('#data-table tbody td');
    var tr = $('#data-table tbody tr');
    var row = document.getElementById("data-row-body");
    console.log("This is the cell index: " + th[index].innerHTML + " ,index: " + th[index]);
    console.log("This is the cell index: " + td[index]);

    td[index].innerHTML = data; // this doesn't work


function popupParamChecker(){

exeAPI("getData.php", "Kevin", 0, exeAPIcallback);

    resizable: false,
    width: 1000,
    modal: true,
    draggable: false,
    buttons: {
        Confirm: function() {
            $( this ).dialog( "close" );

Is there an easier way of doing this?


  • The count of row may be many, so I added one param for your APICallback.

    Below is the codes:

    1. First select our all rows under the table by $('table tbody tr')

    2. use .eq(index) to get the specific row

    3. .find() all tds then get the specific cell to change the text.

    function exeAPIcallback1(data, row, col){
      let td = $('table tbody tr').eq(row).find('td').eq(col);
    function exeAPIcallback2(data, row, col){
      $('table tbody tr').eq(row).find('td').eq(col).text(data);
    table td{
    table td:nth-child(even){
    <script src=""></script>
    <button onclick="exeAPIcallback1('test',0,0)"> Test Insert</button>
    <button onclick="exeAPIcallback2('test',0,0)"> Test Replace</button>
            <tr id="data-row-body">