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MFC - encountering deadly diamond of death

A newbie here in windows programming.

I want to make a dialogbox that uses both CPropertyPage and CDHtmlDialog?

class CPropertyPage : public CDialog  
class CDHtmlDialog  : public CDialog

Since I can't change the inheritance for each of the above case to "virtual public", is it still possible to make a dialog that has some fields from CPropertyPage and some forms from CDHtmlDialog?


  • You can create the HTML dialog as child dialog of property page. The only problem is that child dialog closes if user pressed cancel. You have to override CDHtmlDialog::OnCancel. Example:

    class CMyDHtmlDialog : public CDHtmlDialog
        void OnCancel()
            //GetParent()->GetParent()->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL);
    class CMyPropertyPage : public CPropertyPage
        CMyDHtmlDialog child;
        BOOL OnInitDialog()
            BOOL res = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
            child.Create(IDD_HTML, this);
            CRect rc;
            child.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
            return res;