I'm trying to dynamically generate implementations of interfaces using System.Reflection.Emit
. To be able to generate implementations of generic methods I have to correctly apply all generic parameter constraints of the interface method to method in the generated class implementing it, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with base class constraints.
When trying to build the type I receive the following error (translated):
System.TypeLoadException: 'The method "Error" in type "TestImplementation" of Assembly "TestAsm, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" tried to implicitly implement an interface method with weaker constraints for a type parameter.'
Here is a simple sample interface:
public interface ITest
//Base type constraint seems to cause issues, also reproduces with other classes
void Error<T>() where T : Encoding;
// these all work as expected when code is generated for them
//Task<T> A<T>(T input) where T : struct;
//Task<T> B<T>(T input) where T : class, new();
//Task<T> C<T>(T input) where T : IComparable<string>, IComparable, ICloneable;
And here is the type generator:
internal class Program
private static Type Build()
// quite a lot of boilerplate is necessary for this, sorry!
var asm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("TestAsm"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
var module = asm.DefineDynamicModule(asm.GetName().Name);
var type = module.DefineType(
TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.AutoLayout | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit,
new[] { typeof(ITest) }
var method = typeof(ITest).GetMethod("Error");
var m = type.DefineMethod(
MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot,
CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis,
new Type[0]
//this is where the constraints are applied, I assume something is missing here
var constraint = method.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var constraintBuilder = m.DefineGenericParameters("T")[0];
foreach (var attribute in BuildCustomAttributes(constraint.GetCustomAttributesData()))
// dummy method body
var il = m.GetILGenerator();
//fails right here \/
return type.CreateType();
// I don't think attributes are actually necessary, but just in case..
private static IEnumerable<CustomAttributeBuilder> BuildCustomAttributes(IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> customAttributes)
return customAttributes.Select(attribute =>
var attributeArgs = attribute.ConstructorArguments.Select(a => a.Value).ToArray();
var namedPropertyInfos = attribute.NamedArguments.Select(a => a.MemberInfo).OfType<PropertyInfo>().ToArray();
var namedPropertyValues = attribute.NamedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo is PropertyInfo).Select(a => a.TypedValue.Value).ToArray();
var namedFieldInfos = attribute.NamedArguments.Select(a => a.MemberInfo).OfType<FieldInfo>().ToArray();
var namedFieldValues = attribute.NamedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo is FieldInfo).Select(a => a.TypedValue.Value).ToArray();
return new CustomAttributeBuilder(attribute.Constructor, attributeArgs, namedPropertyInfos, namedPropertyValues, namedFieldInfos, namedFieldValues);
private static void Main(string[] args)
var t = Build();
var instance = (ITest)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
What I've tried:
instead of constraint.BaseType
for SetBaseTypeConstraint
, this just changes the error message from 'implicit' to 'explicit'Is there something missing in my constraint generation? I expected the call constraintBuilder.SetBaseTypeConstraint(constraint.BaseType);
to set the constraint for base classes.
Setting any interface constraints either overrides the BaseType constraint or causes a misleading error message. This fixes the issue:
if(constraint.BaseType != null)
This seems really counter intuitive because I'm now applying FEWER constraints to fix an error saying I'm applying too few constraints. This also works for declarations like
void Test<T>() where T: Example, IComparable<Example>`
even though I thought it wouldn't because I'm no longer applying the interface constraint if a base class constraint exists. This seemed odd, so I decided to investigate further and came to the conclusion that the GetInterfaces()
method returning the correct interfaces is a coincidence or an implementation detail. The documentation makes no mention of this and instead suggests using the GetGenericParameterConstraints
Here is the solution I finally implemented:
was replaced with
var interfaceList = new List<Type>();
foreach (var restriction in constraint.GetGenericParameterConstraints())
if (restriction.IsClass)
if (interfaceList.Count > 0)