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Angular: How to use multiple router-outlets?

I have a component like this

main page:

 <a routerLink="alpha"> Alpha </a>
 <a routerLink="beta"> Beta </a>



beta template:

 <a routerLink="/actual">actual</a>
 <a routerLink="/archive">archive</a>

The possible scenario is: When you click BETA button on the home page, it brings up the router-outlet beta template in the home. but the router-outlet in the beta template is empty. when I click on the links in the beta template, it will bring the component.

When the BETA link on the home page is clicked, the router-outlet in the beta page does not come up empty and the actual incoming component is clicked.


  • For example, if you want some child route need to be activated when navigating to beta:

        const appRoutes: Routes = [
          { path: 'alpha', component: SomeComponentA},
          { path: 'beta',        
            component: SomeComponentB,
            children: [
                   path: 'actual',        
                   component: SomeComponentBActual,
                   path: 'archive',        
                   component: SomeComponentBArchive,
               // add
                   path: '',        
                   redirectTo: 'actual', pathMatch: 'full',

    So when you navigate to beta, it will redirect to it's child route. CODE EXAMPLE