I found that people don't recommend sending large messages with ZeroMQ. But it is a real headache for me to split the data (it is somewhat twisted). Why this is not recommended is there some specific reason? Can it be overcome?
Resources ...
Even the best Zero-Copy implementation has to have spare resources to store the payloads in several principally independent, separate locations:
|...............|__________________________________________________________ RAM
|...............|...............|__________________Context().Queue[peerNo1] RAM
|...............|...............|...............|________O/S.Buffers[L3/L2] RAM
Sure, do not send Mastodon-sized-GB+ messages. May use any kind of an off-RAM representation thereof and send just a lightweight reference to allow a remote peer to access such an immense beast.
I was concern more about something like transmission failure: what will zeromq do (will it try to retransmit automatically, will it be transparent for me etc). RAM is not so crucial - servers can have it more than enough and service that we write is not intended to have huge amount of clients at the same time. The data that I talk about is very interrelated (we have molecules/atoms info and bonds between them) so it is impossible to send a chunk of it and use it - we need it all)) – Paul 25 mins ago
You may be already aware that ZeroMQ is working under a Zen-of-Zero, where also a zero-warranty got its place.
So, a ZeroMQ dispatched message will either be delivered "through" error-free, or not delivered at all. This is a great pain-saver, as your code will receive only a fully-protected content atomically, so no tortured trash will ever reach your target post-processing. Higher level soft-protocol handshaking allows one to remain in control, enabling mitigations of non-delivered cases from higher levels of abstractions, so if your design apetite and deployment conditions permit, one can harness a brute force and send whatever-[TB]
-BLOBs, at one's own risk of blocked both local and infrastructure resources, if others permit and don't mind ( ... but never on my advice :o) )
Error-recovery self-healing - from lost-connection(s) and similar real-life issues - is handled if configuration, resources and timeouts permit, so a lot of troubles with keeping L1/L2/L3-ISO-OSI layers issues are efficiently hidden from user-apps programmers.