Search code examples

NotifyItemRemoved throws an exception

I have this kind of problem. I have a simple app for wallpapers. I am getting wallpapers from API, there is a Tab called Category in which I have Sections I would like to hide few of that Sections inside Category Tab.

In the best scenario my backend developer have to hide or remove it from backend but as he is not available now. I have decided to do it myself.

So, in RecyclerView for Category Tab in onBindViewHolder I am checking if the title is equal the one that I want to be deleted I am calling removeAt (you can see that part below):

            if (categoryTitle.equals("Hot")) {

I need this to be called whenever the Category Tab shows so the user will not be able to see that Category Section. But it doesn't update it because I have to call this two methods as well:

    if (categoryTitle.equals("Hot")) {
    notifyItemRangeChanged(holder.layoutPosition, list.size)


but while call them I got en error saying

"Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling . . ."

Here is the question. Where I have to call it to avoid the error ?

(link of my app:

(please do not suggest to use timer or delay or something similar (-_-) )


            override fun onResponse(categories: Categories) {


                adapter = RecyclerViewAdapterC(categories.categories!!)}


  • Do not remove item in onBindViewHolder() It will throw exception because item is not added yet . Exception will be as.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling

    You should remove the item from dataset before adding them to adapter .

     if (!categoryTitle.equals("Hot")) {
               // Add item else do not add item 

    After filtering the list dataset then set adapter with filtered list .

    below is an example .

     ArrayList<String> list=new ArrayList();
        for(String cat : categories.categories){
         if (!categoryTitle.equals("Hot")) {
        adapter = RecyclerViewAdapterC(list)