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Angular 4 : copy an array to save initial values but both arrays are updated by the form

I'm a beginner and working on an app built with JHipster and using Angular 4.3.

I'm working on a form in which a user can edit colors. I have to save the initial values in case a user edits colors, but doesn't finally validate the save (confirmation modal). So I have to return to the initial values. But actually, when I make a copy of the initial values, both arrays are updated by the form values.

My code looks like this :

export class MyComp implements OnInit {
    initialColors: Color[]; // the object Color has an id, a name and a rgb as attributes
    colors: [];

    constructor(private service: ColorService, private confirmationDialogService: ConfirmationDialogService) {}

    ngOnInit() {

    getColors() {
            this.colors= res.json;
            this.initialColors= Object.assign([], this.colors); // I've tried with res.json too
            (res: ResponseWrapper) => this.onError(res.json)

    submitColors(form) {
        this.confirmationDialogService.confirm('Validation','Do you want to save changes ?')
        .then((confirmed) => {
            if (confirmed === true) {
                // stuff to save is OK
            } else { // want to return to initial state
                this.colors= this.initialColors;

But the problem is that initialColors has taken the same values than colors... (when I do console.log both arrays have the same rgb updated by the form)

My form looks like this :

<form #colorForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submitColors(colorForm.form.value);">
                <tr *ngFor="let c of colors| orderBy: 'id';">
                    <td>{{c.label| translate}} :</td>
                        <input type="color"
                               [ngStyle]="{'color-rendering': c.color}"/>
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm">
                <span class="fa fa-save"></span>
                <span class="d-none d-md-inline" jhiTranslate="">Save</span>

Does anyone have an idea ?


  • Dont' use Object.assign([], anotherArr) and don't assign colors to initialColors. Clone it. You can use lodash library to clone array like this:

    submitColors(form) {
            this.confirmationDialogService.confirm('Validation','Do you want to save changes ?')
            .then((confirmed) => {
                if (confirmed === true) {
                    // stuff to save is OK
                } else { // want to return to initial state
                    this.colors= _.cloneDeep(this.initialColors);

    Code example

    In your case in two array object references are the same:

    this.colors[0] == this.initialColors[0] // true

    Therefore, your editing the same array of objects in form

    If you can't you lodash for some reason. Deep copying array of nested objects in javascript