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Why property "radius" don't work getPlacePredictions google maps

I use getPlacePredictions for get result autocomplete google maps. I use center map in Moscow. And I read documentation

I see radius type number and specified in meters (50000). But I get results on distance 650000. Example I keyup "Sara" and get result "Saransk, Россия". My location - is Moscow. The distance is 650 000 meters beetwen Moscow and Saransk.

Example my code:

const autoComplete = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
const input = document.querySelector('#search');
const result = document.querySelector('#result');
const getPlaceAutocomplete = (value) => {
    input: value,
    location: new google.maps.LatLng(55.755826, 37.617300), //Moscow
    radius: 50000, //this value 50km. But i get cities on distance 650km. WHY?!?!
    componentRestrictions: {
      country: 'ru',
  }, (data) => {
    data.forEach((item) => {
        result.innerHTML += `<li>${item.description}</li>`

input.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
    const value = input.value;


How can I solve this problem?

And I try to use getQueryPredictions and getPredictions instead getPlacePredictions but I get the same results.


  • You will can strictBounds parametrs. But AutocompleteService is not support. More info.

    And here.