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Does linking keep the linked block alive?

When using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow, if I link block a to block b, will the link keep b alive? Or do I need to keep a reference to b around to prevent it from being collected?

internal class SomeDataflowUser
    public SomeDataflowUser()
        _a = new SomeBlock();
        var b = new SomeOtherBlock();

    public void ReactToIncomingMessage( Something data )
        // might b be collected here?
        _a.Post( data );

    private ISourceBlock<Something> _a;


  • In addition to @Eric great explanation of GC behavior I want to address the special case related to TPL-Dataflow. You can easily see the behavior that LinkTo yields from a simple test. Notice that nothing, to my knowledge, is holding on to b except for its link to a.

    public class BlockTester
        private int count;
        public async Task Test()
            var inputBlock = BuildPipeline();
            var max = 1000;
            foreach (var input in Enumerable.Range(1, max))
            //No reference to block b
            //so we can't await b completion
            //instead we'll just wait a second since
            //the block should finish nearly immediately
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(max, count);
        public ITargetBlock<int> BuildPipeline()
            var a = new TransformBlock<int, int>(x => x);
            var b = new ActionBlock<int>(x => count = x);
            a.LinkTo(b, new DataflowLinkOptions() {PropagateCompletion = true});
            return a;