I am very new to Oracle and have a question about input parameters to a stored procedure. Basically its a stored procedure being called from an external system passing in a date formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
Oracle doesn't seem to like the MM/DD/YYYY format as it gives me a "not a valid month" error. (I think it wants like a DD-MMM-YYYY?) whatever the default is.
is there a way to convert the date as it comes into the procedure without getting an error?
such as:
create procedure test_proc
v_input_date IN DATE := to_char(v_input_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
I know the above code likely makes no actual sense but hopefully it will convey what I'd like to do. The user would call the procedure something like
You may try with ANSI type date 'yyyy-mm-dd'
formatting like in the following sample :
SQL>create or replace procedure test_proc( v_input_date date ) is
v_diff int;
v_diff := trunc(sysdate)-v_input_date;
dbms_output.put_line(v_diff||' days difference...');
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> begin
test_proc(date '2018-03-21');
2 days difference...